Xiao-Fury: The Blog

Xiao-Fury: The Blog
To God Be the Glory

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pro-lifers are labeled as DANGEROUS domestic terrorists

Yes, you read it right. I don't know why the government would suddenly label pro-lifers as DANGEROUS domestic terrorists. What's the harm of protecting the rights of a small baby girl or boy? Of course, I don't agree with abortion clinics being bombed, but I seriously haven't heard anything about clinics being bombed as of lately. Is it dangerous to protect the lives of the weak? Of course it's not! I have a suspicion that a certain president is aware that taxpayers (specifically pro-life taxpayers) are enraged over the fact that our money funds abortions overseas regardless to if we disagree. Not to mention, the tea parties also targeted the president and his corrupt administration on stealing tax payers money, and basically placing the future of everyone's grandchildren in dept. Basically, a great number of Americans have had enough of this nonsense going on in Congress. Pardon my french, but we're mad as hell.

That's just my take on it. Anyway, there is hope. If you want to sign a petition telling these guys to stop with these false allegations, just sign here! https://www.aclj.org/Petition/Default.aspx?sc=3430&ac=1

God Bless!



  1. Anything that threatens the runaway train of immorality will from now on be considered an act of terrorism.

  2. Oh - lots of people are as mad as hell. They're mad as hell with Republicans, who started two wars and cut taxes at the same time. They created a vast deficit, a flawed bail out of the financial sector and they won't admit to it. You want to blame someone for the debt? Blame George W. Bush, Tom DeLay and Mitch McConnell, who between them created a tax cut programme and spending agenda that wiped out a surplus that might, if they had kept it, paid off the US governments' debt by 2015.


    Why should pro-life taxpayers get special treatment on spending, as well? Lots of US taxpayers don't like US money going to Israel, so should they be able to have an amendment attached to the next defence appropriations bill going through Congress that blocks this? Or what about people who don't like money being spent on polluting airports and highways? Can they have an exemption? You can't argue you have a special moral ground on abortion that gives you the right to exempt yourself from the common burden of citizenship.
