Xiao-Fury: The Blog

Xiao-Fury: The Blog
To God Be the Glory

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu....

I would like to give my condolences to all the lives that have been taken by that virus. My thoughts about the swine flu...I dunno, something seems very suspicious about this epidemic. The first wave of illnesses started out in Mexico, then it suddenly started to appear in the US. Ok, perhaps it makes sense for US to become the next infected country since Mexico is so close, but when I heard that people in New Zealand, the UK, and all over the world started to become infected in just a few days, I really started to question the swine flu. I can't place my finger on it just yet, but I have a hunch that this swine flu is...well, I think this is more of a man-made illness than something from an animal. It's just my thoughts on it. In the mean time, I'm going to stay healthy and trust in God. There's nothing to fear.


Sunday, April 26, 2009


Ever had two servings of your favorite food even when you heard your stomach screaming "I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE!!" What causes us to bite off more than what we can chew? I think it's called gluttony. FOR ME...I love pasta, it's too dang good, but one serving is enough for me. (as hard as it is to resist.) Some days I might go for seconds, but because I spend at least 20 minutes working out, and I actually HAVE trained my body to eat little, (Thank God) second servings almost feels...bad. O_O

SO what's the catch, XF? Yes, I had seconds yesterday ago...and it was good (lol), but my newly trained stomach is not taking it well. My stomach was already satisfied with the first servings, but my mind wanted MOAR! I'm not fat or anything, but no need to give into bad eating habits that can lead to unhealthy weight gain. Gluttony is not your friend; being over weight is not healthy. Take charge of your eating habits. If you feel as if you're consuming more than what you can chew, just stop, and don't waste food. Eat healthy, exercise, and for all those questions like "well, what should I eat? What diet should I try?" Well, I'm not a doctor, but here is the best advice I can give you: ....GO SEE A DOCTOR.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pro-lifers are labeled as DANGEROUS domestic terrorists

Yes, you read it right. I don't know why the government would suddenly label pro-lifers as DANGEROUS domestic terrorists. What's the harm of protecting the rights of a small baby girl or boy? Of course, I don't agree with abortion clinics being bombed, but I seriously haven't heard anything about clinics being bombed as of lately. Is it dangerous to protect the lives of the weak? Of course it's not! I have a suspicion that a certain president is aware that taxpayers (specifically pro-life taxpayers) are enraged over the fact that our money funds abortions overseas regardless to if we disagree. Not to mention, the tea parties also targeted the president and his corrupt administration on stealing tax payers money, and basically placing the future of everyone's grandchildren in dept. Basically, a great number of Americans have had enough of this nonsense going on in Congress. Pardon my french, but we're mad as hell.

That's just my take on it. Anyway, there is hope. If you want to sign a petition telling these guys to stop with these false allegations, just sign here! https://www.aclj.org/Petition/Default.aspx?sc=3430&ac=1

God Bless!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's blog tyme


I make several journals all over the place. It's pretty obvious...that I like to share my opinions....regardless if all may not agree. BUT ANYWAY, Xiao-Fury is now officially blogging. God bless, take care!